5 Hard To Kill Plants for Absolute Beginners – LA JOLIE MUSE

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5 Hard To Kill Plants for Absolute Beginners

  • Posted by La Jolie Muse  

There’s no such thing as an indestructible plant. But how about a plant that thrives on neglect?

Indoor plant collection

From a humble desk succulent to an indoor jungle, inviting nature indoors has a  multitude of wonderful benefits for your mental and physical health. Plants can…

  • Purify the air. Plants are natural filters and catch airborne allergens and particles. (As long as they don’t have pollen or spores.)
  • Make your happier. Flowers are especially good at boosting your mood!
  • Reduce stress. A study found that plants at home or in the office can make you feel more comfortable and soothing.  
  • Boost productivity and creativity. A green companion might be what you need to perform better, even science says so.

If you’ve ever accidentally killed a plant, don’t worry—there are plenty of easy indoor plants to grow. Keeping inside plants doesn’t have to be stressful or intimidating.

This foolproof list of hard-to-kill houseplants was designed for beginners. You won’t need to worry too much about how moist or dry your plants are or anything advanced like liquid fertilizer or specific soil mixes.

These plants are strictly low-maintenance indoor plants that (almost) thrive on neglect! Whichever plant you choose, you’ll have an almost unkillable houseplant that stays beautiful all year round.


Close up of pothos plant

Epipremnum pinnatum, the golden pothos, is one of the most popular inside plants. A beautiful hanging plant that grows with minimal care, the variegated green and yellow heart-shaped leaves make this plant a gorgeous easy-care option.

If you’re afraid to kill such a pretty plant, just know that another name for it is the devil’s vine. Why? Because pothos plants that hard to kill. 

Fast-growing, hardy, and tough, this plant thrives in very low light and even artificial light. It also grows well in ordinary soil, so no need to invest in the best potting soil for this blessedly basic house plant. 

Pro tip: Pothos thriving? If you’re looking for an adventure, look up “how to grow pothos in water,” it’s fascinating.

Spider Plant

Close-up of baby spider plants

The second on our list of hard-to-kill indoor plants has arching leaves that curve elegantly over the edge of a hanging planter. The spider plant, Chlorophytum, isn’t picky about water, light, or temperature.

You can also easily propagate spider plants for more tiny small leaf plants that will grow into hanging beauties. 

Spider plants hardly need repotting and they’re an easy house plant to keep in rooms with indirect sunlight like your kitchen or bathroom.
Watering is simple: When the top two inches of soil are dry, add water for a happy, easy indoor plant. 

Snake Plant

Snake plant leaves on white background

We promise we’re not going for an animal-themed plant post. But we couldn’t not add snake plants, S. trifasciata or S. trifasciata laurentii. The snake plant has green on green bands on sword-shaped leaves, while the Mother-in-Law’s Tongue has yellow edges. 

This plant could win an award for its easygoing nature. If we had to rank easy plants to grow, snake plants would come top. Forgetful plant parents can leave it for a month and still come back to a happy plant.

The snake plant’s striking presence is one benefit, the other is that it removes toxins like benzene and formaldehyde from your home. The only trick to keeping this plant alive is to not overwater it. Less is definitely more, as they say.

Moth Orchid

White orchid on white background

Phalaenopsis look pretty and many believe they’re high-maintenance, but they’re actually a low-maintenance, elegant house plant. The stunning blooms last up to four months, and they benefit from infrequent watering with good drainage. Your best bet is to wait until the potting mix is completely dry and then throughly water. Orchids only need bright sunlight (not direct sun) and love humidity. 

Did you know that orchids can also have can grow baby orchid plants called “keiki”? If one orchid isn’t enough for you, there’s a chance you might get another adorable house plant later. 

Cacti and Succulents 

Rabbit, cat, and raccoon ceramic pots with cactus

Who hasn’t seen a tiny cactus or succulent pot on sale and thought it was adorable? Hard-to-kill succulents and cacti come in all shapes and sizes, and are one of the easiest house plants to keep alive. Plus, they look great just about anywhere. 

Close-up of aloe plant

Out of all the types of succulents, the aloe vera plant is a true classic. Aloe vera is often thought to be an indoor succulent, but it can grow outdoors in the right conditions. The challenge is how often to water aloe plants, because like every other desert plant, overwatering can be a problem for beginners.  

Here’s the secret: try the soak and dry method.

This method mimics the desert conditions succulents and cacti love. Give your plant a deep watering (this mimics heavy rainfall) then wait until the soil has completely dried out (this is the drought period). Repeat, and you’ll have a happy plant with strong roots. Make sure to get succulent pots with drainage holes!   

There you have it. Five plants to start your plant parenthood. Now that you know the easiest houseplants to keep alive, why not give them some stylish homes and elevate your space while you’re at it?

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